M. Baro

How did you acquire this beautiful Château ?
My grandfather bought it. At that time, he was working in the mushroom farm of Rauzan. Thanks to this occupation he was able to save money to buy the Château Villotte. The name of the Château came from Raymond de Villotes who is at the origins of the Château in 1120.
Nous allons bientôt fêter le centenaire de l’appartenance du Château à la famille Baro.

You are the president (chairman) of the Rauzan winery, why ?
My father is part of the founders of the winery in 1933. At this time to create the winery, every founder has mortgaged all his belongings, the Château Villotte as well. He was really involved in the winery and he simply passed it down to me. Very soon, I wanted to involve myself as an administrator of the winery and it is in 2003 that I became the president. Being involved in the winery allows me to “see something else than the vines” and to follow up the after winemaking.

You are also involved in the Agriconfiance approach (French certification label which guarantee a more respectful approach of the environment), why ?
My wife always had a Nature spirit and has always been aware of it. Therefore she has cheered me on to take part of this approach. And in the end, I naturally conform to the Agriconfiance’s standards. For example, my effluent’s (sewage’s) collecting cistern is in fact an old vat that had when we used to make our own wine in. We are trying to use the past to answer to the present’s requirement and to pass on. The wine is a traditional product.

An Anecdote ?
During the exodus, the castle was used as a hosting place when French people were running away from the Reich. The castle has always known this tradition of hospitality.

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