Ms. CORBIERE, what is the history of the Château Le Mayne Cabanot ?
In 1904, the DEMESTREGUILHEM family bought an estate of 7Ha at place called “Le Mayne” in the village of Mérignas. They had 2 children: André, deceased during the 1914 war and Andrea who stayed to work on the estate with her parents. In 1919, Andrea married her neighbor Omer BERNEDE, who owned an estate of 6Ha. It’s the birth of the Château Le Mayne Cabanot. In 1930, they decide to do only one estate.
From Andrea and Omer’s union is born Paulette who, in 1940, married her neighbor Jean CORBIERE, who owned an estate of 4Ha. In 1960, the properties BERNEDE and CORBIERE were grouped in a fact company. The CORBIERE couple had three children. Two of them, my father and my uncle, stayed on the estate. In 1972, they decide to plant vine on every meadow and arable lands, neighboring plot were purchased.
In May 1981, my parents decided to create an Agricultural Land Group (ALG) following a sharing donation with their children. From there, is born the ALG CORBIERE FATHER & SONS.
Today, the ALG CORBIERE is the owner of 60Ha. On December 22 nd 1987, my parents bought a neighboring property of approximately 17Ha which was given leased at the ALG CORBIERE. In 1997, the ALG CORBIERE creates an estate company, the SCEA LE MAYNE. Therefore with my brother, who owns the Château Haut-Bascla, we represent the fifth generation of winegrowers of the family.

Why are you part of a cooperative winery? Why the Rauzan Winery ?
I asked myself the question during my installation. I decided that I wanted to specialize myself in only one occupation. I appreciate the wine-making process but I don’t have commercial disposition, that’s why I decided to fully concentrate myself on the vine-growing.
The Rauzan Winery is rather competitive, that is also what made me stay in a cooperative winery.

An anecdote ?
We are maybe going to have a sixth generation of winegrowers in the family! My 12 years old daughter has always interest herself in the vines and she likes to help me at work when she has time.

You come to Bordeaux ?
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