Ms. Martin

What is the history of your beautiful Château ?
In 1933, Mr. Pierre MARTIN, my father-in- law, owner of the Château La Grangeotte, 12 Ha of vines, decide to found the Rauzan’s Cooperative Winery. In 1980, his son Bernard MARTIN marry me when I was a young Parisian girl originate from Corse. At that time I was working in the advertising. From 1980 to 1983, I discovered the winegrowing and I decided to make this my occupation. Today it is clearly my passion. In 1983, due to my husband’s serious health troubles I had to take the estate back.
It was a big challenge, for a Parisian woman who knows a little about the winegrowing. Today I think that I took up the challenge thanks to my fighter spirit but especially thanks to my passion for my property and my love for wine.

Today the property counts 29Ha of merlot, cabernet franc and cabernet sauvignon.

It has been 33 years that I am active in the life of the cooperative to which I have entrusted the winemaking and the commercialization of my Château

Pourquoi être en cave coopérative ?
Mon beau-père étant le fondateur de la cave je ne voudrais pas en partir. D’autant plus que j’en suis très contente. Elle apporte la meilleure structure dans le monde économique actuel. Je suis fière d’apporter mes raisins à la Cave de Rauzan.

How do you see the future of your estate ?
I am 65 years old but I do not want to know the retirement. I too much love my occupation to stop; the retirement is not for me. I also have a son who works in the international audit in Paris and who would like to take the estate over. We do not wish to bring the name MARTIN to an end in the winegrowing world.

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